7 Things I Learned The First Year of My 30s!

Hey Friends!

As most of you know my 31st Birthday was the other day and I wanted to share with you 7 things I learned during the first year in my 30s! For starters, this was NOT how I envisioned the first year of my 30s! The first month was AMAZING. I turned 30, 17 days later my soulmate asked me to marry him, 2 days after that we celebrated a joint 30th birthday together. Then, the world changed! I won’t get into specifics since I discussed it on another blog post here. However, due to the pandemic I learned A LOT about myself since I had the time to actually sit and THINK about things!

{1} Don’t give a F*CK! Trying to put this as nicely as possible. I was always SO worried about what others thought of me! I based all my decisions thinking about everyone else BUT myself! Do YOU and don’t mind what others think!

{2} Let go of TOXIC people. I learned to distance myself from people that no longer bring me happiness. I know it is easy to distance yourself nowadays since we kind of have too ( LOL ) but I truly thought about some of the “friendships” I thought I had. Some of those people weren’t real friends- so I started to slowly cut them off by just not contacting them any longer! If they contact me, that’s fine. I am a civil person I will answer BUT I will no longer contact that person first!

{3} Do what makes YOU happy. For the longest time I wanted to blog/influence! Due to the pandemic and my job loss, I was able to get out there and FINALLY blog! I was always nervous that people would judge or make fun (they still probably do but… see point #1). Now I just don’t care! I share what I like and if people don’t like it- they don’t need to read about it or follow me (which is funny because those people STILL do). These same people are the ones that will click on my links, find out where I purchased my items, and buy them but not off my links! It is so crazy to me that women do this to other women ESP if this is the only form of income. It is OK, I still appreciate the fact they like my taste 😉

{4} Learn to say NO! This is probably one of the hardest lessons I had to teach myself and I can’t believe it took me until 30 to do so. I am a yes woman. Now this could be a good and bad quality. Bad because I STRESS myself out by always accommodating people. Half of these people wouldn’t even do the same for me! Not that I need someone to do something for me because I did it for them, that is not the point here. I would always try and squeeze things into my already busy schedule and that would cause me to be so overwhelmed. I would always say yes to things because I would fear that people would be upset with me if I said no. Now, if I am already busy I do not try and accommodate when I physically and mentally cannot do so. If people cannot understand that, it is on them.

{5} Do NOTfall in love with a job or company! These jobs will kill you if you let them. You agreed to a job in exchange for pay and benefits. Therefore use your vacation/PTO time without guilt, take your lunch break, enjoy your weekends and holidays. These jobs will DROP you in a blink of an eye. OR if you leave they’ll just hire someone else. You need to prioritize your work/life balance.

{6} Follow your passion. Life is too short to be doing something that makes you completely miserable! When you love what you do, you’ll live freely!

{7} Put yourself first! Easier said than done for me, but it is NOT selfish to put yourself first!! It is mentally and physically draining if you don’t!

Thanks for reading 7 things I learned in the first year of my 30s! Now, this isn’t everything I have learned by 30 (the list would be WAY longer!) This is everything I learned / taught myself in 365 days 🙂 I hope you all enjoyed reading! I appreciate the love and support as always!



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