My Job Search Journey During a Pandemic

Hi Friends! It’s been a long time since I’ve written a blog post. The past few weeks have been so crazy for me (in a very good way!). I am going to work really hard to get back on a monthly blog post schedule, and hopefully that can lead to weekly posts! Anyway!! I have some exciting news to share…

I am happy to announce that after months of job searching, and countless rejection emails from companies I didn’t even get a chance to interview with, I joined Saks Fifth Ave as a Store Planner! I started 2 weeks ago and I am still in the learning process.

This all happened SO fast! Well, the job search process took forever BUT Saks hired me the same day as my first interview which literally never happens! I interviewed with someone at 11:30AM and by 4PM I received a call with an offer! I was so happy and shocked at the same time! I never lost faith even though I received an abundant amount of rejection emails saying I wasn’t qualified. Joke was on them because I was definitely OVER qualified. I have 9+ years’ experience under my belt, a master’s degree & DRIVE! I knew I had what it takes to land a job, but it was just a matter of WHO would notice. Saks did and I am forever grateful for this opportunity. 

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A Quick Back Story

I want to share a little back story about this since I literally share it with everyone! So a week before I got this job, I was talking to my friend from the gym about things going on in my life etc. She had said to me she is going to buy me an evil eye necklace to ward off negativity / jealously that she felt was surrounding me (by the stories I was telling her). An evil eye only works if someone else purchases it for you. Sure enough she bought me a necklace (and a pin!!) and said I will find a job soon. LITERALLY a week goes by and now it is April 13th. For those that know me / have been following me on IG for a while, you know that I LOVE the number 13. It is the ONLY odd number that I like! ESP when it lands on Friday LOL – I even take off of work because Friday the 13th is a holiday for me. ANYWAY- as stated earlier I had my interview in the AM and then by the afternoon I received a job offer. How CRAZY?! What are the odds that I start to wear an evil eye necklace & then on the only ODD # day of the month that I like I would land a job!! Everything works out when it is supposed to and I am super excited to be part of such an amazing company!

*Not my image*

The Journey

This journey was NOT the easiest one. As stated before I knew throughout this whole process that I was more than qualified for any job I had applied too. I would get rejection emails stating that I wasn’t qualified- I didn’t even interview with half of these companies! So, for them to judge just by a resume speaks volumes. The recruiters for companies that would reach out to me, finally find time to speak to me on the phone, would tell me that they didn’t think this job was the correct fit. Could you imagine? People reaching out to ME about my resume on Linkedin, having a 20+ minute phone conversation, just to tell me that the role wasn’t for me (even though half the time the title was the same—LOL). I felt like it was a lose-lose situation. At first this did not bother me at all, I figured a LOT of people were applying for jobs right now and it must be so hard to narrow down. I was really discouraged when I applied to jobs at my former employer, who by the way stated NUMEROUS times that they really wanted to bring back anyone who lost their job due to Covid-19, just to get rejected. I only applied to a handful of jobs there but the few that I did apply to, I was told by HR that I didn’t have the experience even though I was with the company for 4 years. I also played the waiting game a lot with them and waited 3-4 weeks to find out that I didn’t land a job I thought I did. All because they promoted within. While it is nice to see promotions happening, it is also nice to bring back people that lost their job. That is all behind me now and no hard feelings.

What People Were Saying

Not only was the job search awful, I would get commentary from people who had jobs. Someone actually said to me “is finding a job THAT hard?” ummmmm….. Let me think? We are in the middle of a pandemic, people are losing jobs left and right, businesses are closing… so my answer would be YES finding a job is VERY difficult right now. This was coming from a man. That’s all I have to say about that LOL. The same man also said to me I should invest my time more with finding a job vs doing other things. I said to him, “what exactly do you think I do all day?”

A lot of other unsolicited opinions I received were to “just get a job anywhere.” Yes, that would have been my final resort. Not knocking on ANY job, but I didn’t pay my way through grad school and work my butt off for 9 years to get a job that wasn’t in my field or pay grade.

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My Happy Ending!

Even though the past 365+ days have been a whirlwind for me, I am beyond grateful and excited to succeed at my career at Saks! I couldn’t have gotten through the days without my fiancé, family, friends and followers! Everyone has been so supportive (and continues to be!) through it all and I can’t thank you all enough!

If you have any questions or just need to talk about anything please shoot me a dm or email! I will be happy to help!

I appreciate the love and support as always!



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